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Fall Into Fun With These Dates

Dr. Teresa Edwards, LMFT

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the smells, the crispness in the air, and the sense of magic that starts to permeate everything. In a lot of ways, it brings out the little kid in me and I love sharing that magic and excitement with my husband, Chris. We are always trying to think up fun, unique fall date ideas. Here are some ideas we've come up with for this fall.

fall date ideas

1. Explore a corn maze. Many corn mazes open in the late summer and stay open through the fall. For those near Tulsa, a short drive to Kansas will provide many corn mazes to choose from. Make a day of it and explore some small towns on the way to get a feel of local flavor. If you enjoy being a little spooked, do a nighttime "haunted" corn maze.

2. Grab a coffee and take a drive to see fall foliage. Many states have a website has fall foliage watch. You'll be able to find the expected time of peak color and the best locations. Enjoy getting out of town and seeing the beauty that autumn has to offer. For those in the Tulsa area, a day trip to Arkansas offers numerous beautiful scenic overlooks, like at Mount Magazine State Park, to enjoy autumn's glory. This also provides an opportunity for some hiking.

3. Visit a local historic site. Many historic sites offer fall festivals or Halloween ghost tours. If you like history, this is a fun way to experience history and get some goose bumps at the same time. For example, the George M. Murrell Home in Park Hill, Oklahoma offers a tour mixed with history, spooky stories, and hot apple cider at the end. Chris and I love this date night idea. It's a fun way to leave reality behind for a while and step back in time, with a twist.

4. Visit a pumpkin patch, take a hayride, carve a pumpkin, and bake pumpkin seeds. Is there anything that sums up fall better than a pumpkin patch and a hayride? Whether you have a pumpkin carving contest or experiment with different pumpkin seed baking ideas, you can't go wrong with this seasonal favorite.

Dates aren't the time to talk about chores, kids, work, or recent disagreements. They are a time to have mental and emotional closeness with your partner; a time to remember why you fell in love and what makes your relationship so special. I hope you and your partner fall into some incredible dates this autumn season.

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